1st Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Business Process Management (NLP4BPM)
The NLP4BPM workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss research findings and methods concerned with the analysis of natural language for business process management (BPM). In this context, natural language can play a variety of roles. Among others, it can be used to describe processes in a comprehensible manner, define the meaning of events and activities, and it can provide support for the conduct of process analyses themselves, e.g., as an interface for process mining or modeling.
In the workshop, we welcome any contribution that considers how natural language processing (NLP) or the consideration of meaning can be used to establish new or improve existing methods, techniques, tools, and process-aware systems that support the different phases of the BPM life-cycle. Furthermore, we aim to promote an exchange on the advances, challenges and barriers researchers encounter, and intend to establish an environment where collaborations can naturally emerge. As for the intended audience, we aim and expect the participation of experts in the broad research communities of BPM, process mining, and information systems engineering who focus on or are interested in the application of NLP in their work.
Han van der Aa, University of Mannheim, Germany, han@informatik.uni-mannheim.de
Manuel Resinas, University of Seville, Spain, resinas@us.es
Adela del-Río-Ortega, University of Seville, Spain, adeladelrio@us.es
Henrik Leopold, Kühne Logistics University, Germany, henrik.leopold@the-klu.org
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/nlp4bpmworkshop
Call for Papers: https://uni-muenster.sciebo.de/s/WLc8DNlcuYj9Hrn