10th International Workshop on DEClarative, DECision and Hybrid approaches to processes (DEC2H 2022)
Processes involve rules and decisions determining the premises and possible outcomes of activities and events. The declarative modelling paradigm aims to directly capture the constraints underlying the process (the “what”), as opposed to the imperative paradigm, explicitly representing the paths along which the process runs (the “how”). The declarative approach has gained momentum in recent years, as testified by the several notations that emerged (e.g., Declare, DCR Graphs, DMN, GSM, eCRG, and DPIL). Lately, there has been a rapidly growing interest in hybrid approaches too, which combine the strengths of the different modelling paradigms.
In this workshop, we are interested in the decision- and rule-based modelling and mining of processes, as well as their hybridization with imperative models, in all phases of the BPM lifecycle (identification, discovery, analysis, redesign, implementation and monitoring).
María Teresa Gómez-López, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, maytegomez@us.es
Claudio Di Ciccio, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, diciccio@di.uniroma1.it
Tijs Slaats, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, slaats@di.ku.dk
Jan Vanthienen, KU Leuven, Belgium, jan.vanthienen@kuleuven.be
Website: https://dec2h-2022.di.uniroma1.it/
Call for Papers: https://uni-muenster.sciebo.de/s/DKeWJ6p1L4yDAZq